
by PreIntelligence Research Tech



Learn with PiQuizEdu. It’s fun to find challenging questions from different teachers to deepen your knowledge in your favorite subject. ⭐ For Teacher Panel visit ⭐piquiz.co.in⭐ ⭐ Join in group to write your favorite teacher’s challenging exams.PiQuizEdu is a simple platform to conduct exam by anyone to anyone. ⭐ You can conduct your exam at anyday, anytime and anymode. ⭐ You can download student’s answersheet also in your admin panel piQuiz.co.in. ⭐ If you wish you can provide certificate too. ⭐ You can shuffle your questions. ⭐ Create groups and assign your exam or assign to particular student. ⭐ You can select your own correction mode. ⭐ You can upload your question paper or create your question paper here. Type your question or attach picture of your question. ⭐ Notify the students about your exam.